Monday, September 19, 2016

Spotlight on Tammy Miller

 Who: Tammy Miller

Today's spotlight is on Tammy Miller. She has been drawing or painting since she was old enough to hold a crayon or pencil in her hand. Throughout grade school and high school, she had some form of art lessons or interest in improving her skills in art. She did go to college after high school but life and children happened and her creative endeavors were mostly in the form of baby clothes, costumes and filling sketchbooks.At 40, she went back to college and got a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design. She worked in that field for a few years until the need to create her own art took over and she has been painting, collaging, sewing or stitching ever since. You can find her work on instagram at or on facebook at

What medium do you prefer and why?

 This is a tough question because I like a lot of different mediums. I love to paint with Acrylics and I love to create with textiles. I make my own clothes by redesigning what I have. I either print, paint, dye or discharge fabrics and then sew them together to make what I like to wear. I do also make them to sell and for friends and family. I like mixed media or anything not ordinary when it comes to how it is made or what  the supplies are. I will paint on whatever i can find. As a way to process the grief of losing my mother about two years ago I did a project I called 100 faces in 100 days. Every day i painted on the papers, cards, letters and wrapping papers that my mother had been saving for many years. I sewed these items together and painted a different face every day for 100 consecutive days. I also wrote a story about what influenced the face that I did. I painted fifty human faces and then fifty animal faces. It was a lot of fun and very affirming to create that work! I still have some of the faces for sale at the Strawbridge Art League and you can look at my blog and see all the faces and all the stories that went with them. 

What inspires or motivates you to create your art and what does your art mean to you?
Very simply,  art is my therapy. It is my saving grace in life. I paint to deal with whatever is happening in my life. Over time they become the maps of my life. I sew to adorn myself or others in creativity, individuality and love. I want to wear what makes me happy and comfortable and I decide what it will be. I imagine those first people on earth that created clothing and had the total freedom to adorn themselves or decorate their clothes with what ever they had and how ever their imaginations could create it. I enjoy this process immensely. My paintings are often of faces and are my own made up versions of expressions that either I am feeling or not wanting to feel. I paint to give joy to my self and other's. I am always influenced by the world around me and nature. Trees, the ocean, water, leaves and bugs and birds. Nothing is off limits in nature. 

What makes your art unique?
I think what makes my art unique is that I love alternative processes and ways to use what I have. New things are happening in my art world !! I am excited about the future and what turns my work will take! 
More Art by Tammy 
 If you'd like to see more of Tammy's art, please visit the Strawbridge Art League and Gallery at 819-2 East Strawbridge Avenue, Melbourne, Florida 32901